01484 218850
We take pride in ensuring that our members are looked after at Kane Academy. Martial Arts is all about teaching Respect for oneself and others. It is understand that there are many conflicting theory’s out there regarding the current situation.

This is a Global Issue that can not be ignored. We have ensured that our premises mitigates any risk of the spread of the virus as much as possible.

Lesson spaces are kept to 12 to again lower the risk and have beginner courses for groups of 6. This ensures that air flow is at a maximum and our members are looked after.

There is an isolation room in the event that anyone is to become ill onsite.
The premises is fogged and sanitised. It has always cleaned equipment after use etc even before the current pandemic. This is standard.
A one way system is in place and more than adequate levels of PPE available throughout the building.

Here you can see the welcome video to help you become familiar.

Sifu Rebecca Kane